Monday 13 September 2021

Urgent Covid campaign for YPD Karenland

Patient's face blurred for privacy

Covid 19 is continuing to devastate many isolated villages and communities in Myanmar. Many of these villages lack adequate medical and hospital facilities.

The YPD Karenland has mobilised its eleven teams to provide medical assistance to these villages.

"When people get sick, they do not have a hospital, clinic or health workers to look after them," says YPD coordinator, Mr Kwi Kwith.

"Because of this, YPD has to look after emergency cases such as medical treatment, health worker and special nurse.

"Myself, I do not have any experience to work as a health worker, but now I have to work as special nurse to look after the patients. I have to call the doctor and follow their directions.

"We really need a special nursing course. So I have contacted a doctor who will train us in a special nurse training course.

"We will receive a credit certificate from the hospital will be able to officially work as special nurses all over Myanmar," he explained.

The cost of the training course for 11 eleven nurses comes to 55,000 Thai baht ($US1700 or $A2300), including equipment and supplies.

Kwi Kwi and his team have already raised over 10,000 Thai baht for the project.

YPD Australia is working to raise the rest of the amount.

Please send your donations to:


BSB: 806-036

Account number: 100900472

Thank you for your generosity.